South Milton
Current State
Plan modifications made 30th November 2023

For more information, please see the
South Milton Neighbourhood Plan Website
Designation (Reg 5, 5a, 6 and 7)
Public Notice
Pre Submission (Reg 14)
NB This Consultation is carried out by the Neighbourhood Plan Group. Please visit South Milton Neighbourhood Plan Website for Responses.
Plan Proposal and Consultation (Reg 15 and 16)
Formal Submission of the Plan and Consultation on that Plan. The consultation ran from 30 November 2017 to 11 January 2018.
Appointment of Independent Examiner and Examination (Reg 17)
The Examiner for South Milton Neighbourhood Plan is Rosemary Kidd, appointed in February 2018.
South Hams District Council submitted all the documents from Reg 15 and 16 to the Examiner in February 2018.
Examiner's Report and Decision (Reg 18)
A Referendum was held on Thursday 25 July 2019 for the South Milton Neighbourhood Plan
You can see the full details here
Decision (Reg 18a, 19 and 20)
Following a successful referendum, the South Milton Neighbourhood Plan was adopted at Executive Committee on 19 September 2019.
It now forms part of the Development Plan for South Hams District and should be used in deciding planning applications within the South Milton Neighbourhood Area.
Please now refer to the Referendum version of the Plan.
Proposed Material Modification to the South Milton Neighbourhood Plan
It is proposed to modify the South Milton Neighbourhood Plan as described in the following documents. South Milton Neighbourhood Plan Group undertook Reg 14 consultation in regard of the modification from Monday 07 March 2022 to Monday 18 April 2022.
Modification Proposal and Consultation
(Reg 15 & 16)
The consultation ran from 16th June - 28th July 2023. You can use the links below to view the documents, as well as view submitted comments.
Appointment of Independent Examiner
(Reg 17)
The examiner for the South Milton Neighbourhood Plan Modification is John Slater BA(Hons), DMS, MRTPI, FRGS. South Hams District Council submitted all the documents from Regulation 15 and Regulation 16 to the Examiner in August 2023.
Examiner's Report and Decision
(Reg 18)
(Reg 19 & 20)
Following a successful examination, the South Milton Neighbourhood Plan Modification was adopted on 30th November 2023. It now forms part of the Development Plan and should be used in determining planning applications within South Milton Parish.
Please now refer to the modified version of the plan. The plan can be viewed below and on the South Milton Parish Council Website and a hard copy can be viewed in the parish by appoinment with the Parish Clerk:
email south.milton@gmail.com Tel. 07704 941150.