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Current State

Plan made (adopted) 6th June 2024


For more information, please see the

Staverton Neighbourhood Plan Website

(Reg 5, 6a and 7)

The plan area was formally designated on 29th June 2016

Pre Submission
(Reg 14)

The Staverton NP is out for Reg 14 Consultation the period runs for six weeks from 29 January to 12 March 2022.

Supporting information can be accessed on the Staverton Neighbourhood Plan website

(Reg 17)

The Examiner for the Staverton Neighbourhood Plan is Deborah McCann BSc, MRICS, MRTPI, Dip Arch, Con Dip LD

SHDC submitted all the documents from Reg 15 and Reg 16 to the Examiner in September 2023


The Referendum for the Staverton Neighbourhood Plan will take place on Thursday 2nd May 2024. Please refer to the links below for the referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan (Feb. 2024) and all other relevant documentation.

(Reg 18a, 19 & 20)

Following a successful Referendum, the Staverton Neighbourhood Plan was adopted on 6th June 2024. It now forms part of the Development Plan for South Hams District Council and should be used in deciding planning applications within the Staverton Neighbourhood Area.​

Please now refer to the Referendum version of the plan. The plan can be viewed below and on the Staverton Parish Council website Neighbourhood Plan | Staverton Parish Council ( and a hard copy can be viewed by arrangement with the Parish Council Clerk: Karen Smith Tel. 07929 032570

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