Current State
Modification Complete

For more information, please see the
Strete Parish Council Website
Designation (Reg 5, 5a, 6 and 7)
NB This Consultation is carried out by the Neighbourhood Plan Group. Please visit Strete Parish Council Website for responses.
Pre Submission (Reg 14)
Plan Proposal and Consultation (Reg 15 and 16)
Formal Submission of the plan to the Council and Consultation on that Plan. The Consultation ran from 8 February 2019 to 22 March 2019.
Appointment of Independent Examiner and Examination (Reg 17 & 18)
The Examiner for Strete Neighbourhood Plan is Deborah McCann, appointed in March 2019.
Examiners Note - Examiner’s procedural note; Request for an Exploratory Meeting for the Strete Neighbourhood Development Plan
Record of Exploratory Meeting
Examiners correspondence June 2019
Following the Exploratory Meeting held at Strete Parish Hall on Tuesday 11 June 2019 I can confirm that it is my intention to suspend my examination for an initial period of 6 months from the date of the meeting to provide opportunity for the Neighbourhood Plan Group to meet and discuss the objection to the allocation of the Cox's Farm Field for residential development. At the end of the 6 month period I will consult on the progress made with regard to Policies SNP 8 Development at Cox's Farm Field and SNP 9 Principal Residency Requirement and I will consider whether to extend the period of suspension or recommence my examination of the plan as submitted.
Please forward this information to the Qualifying Body, the Agent for the Strete Estate and publicise on the SHDC website.
Examiners correspondence 9 December 2019
Following the suspension my examination of the Strete NDP for an initial period of 6 months, I understand that it would be helpful if the suspension could be extended to 31 January 2020 to enable the negotiations regarding Policies SNP 8 Development at Cox's Farm Field and SNP 9 Principal Residency Requirement to come to a conclusion. I agree to the further extension to the 31 January 2020.
Examiners correspondence 13 January 2020
On the basis that the Neighbourhood Plan Group feel that the outstanding issues can be resolved satisfactorily by the end of April 2020, I am prepared to suspend my examination for a further period until 30 April 2020. I am however not in a position to extend beyond that date.
It will be necessary to ensure that this revised timescale is publicised on South Hams District Council website and any other interested parties are informed.
Examiners correspondence 28 April 2020
Dear Messrs Dixon and Clark,
I have discussed the potential of an extension of the Examination into the Strete Neighbourhood Plan, to enable the preparation of a Viability Assessment for the Cox’s Field site with the Examiner, Deborah McCann. She has agreed to extent for three months until July 31st 2020.
I would be pleased if you would continue to update me on any progress that is made. I will ensure that a review of progress is initiated early in July.
Furthermore I will ensure this email is placed on the Council’s website. I would be pleased Ralph if you could arrange to place on the NPG’s website and, if possible, by Notice around the Parish.
Examiners correspondence 21 August 2020
Subject: Strete Neighbourhood Plan
Dear Deborah,
Following extensive, unsuccessful negotiations with Strete Estate’s land agent for housing development in Cox’s Farm Field as part of Strete Neighbourhood Plan, Strete Neighbourhood Plan Group and Strete Parish Council have decided to withdraw the Plan from Examination.
We propose to return the Plan to pre-regulation 15 once necessary amendments to the Plan have been completed.
Thank you for your patience with us in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Ralph Clark
Plan Proposal and Reconsultation (Reg 15 and 16)
Following withdrawal of the Strete Neighbourhood Plan from Examination (see above), the Strete Neighbourhood Plan group have formally resubmitted the Plan (Regulation 15).
This plan will be the subject of formal consultation between 19 October and 30 November 2020.
Appointment of Independent Examiner and Examination (Reg 17)
Decision (Reg 18a, 19 and 20)
Following a successful referendum, the Strete Neighbourhood Plan was adopted at Annual Council on 20 May 2021. It now forms part of the Development Plan for South Hams District and should be used in deciding planning applications within the Strete Neighbourhood Area.
Please now refer to the Referendum version of the Plan.
Proposed Material Modification to the Strete Neighbourhood Plan
It is proposed to modify the Strete Neighbourhood Plan as described in the following documents. The consultation in regard of the modification runs from 09.00 on Monday 5 July 2021 and end at 6.00pm on Sunday 15 August 2021.
Appointment of Independent Examiner and Examination to Consider the Modification
The examiner for the proposed modification to the Strete Neighbourhood Plan is Deborah McCann and was appointed in October 2021