Current State
Examination Completed

For more information, please see the
Tavistock Plan Website
(Reg 5, 5a, 6 and 7)
(Reg 14)
Draft plan consultation carried out by the Neighbourhood Plan Group for six weeks between 12th February - 25th March 2024.
Plan Proposal and Consultation
(Reg 15 & 16)
The Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents were submitted to WDBC in August 2024.
The Regulation 16 consultation period: Thursday 12th September - 5:00pm Friday 25th October 2024.
The Regulation 16 Notice gives details of where and when the plan proposal may be inspected, and how to make representations. Any representations may include a request to be notified of the local planning authority's decision under Regulation 19 in relation to the Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan.
Below is a list of, and links to, the submitted plan documents.
Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version (July 2024)
Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan Policies Summary (July 2024)
Map of the Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan Area
Consultation Statement (July 2024)
Basic Conditions Statement (July 2024)
Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) Screening Opinion (AECOM March 2024)
Response to SEA Screening Opinion - Environment Agency
Response to SEA Screening Opinion - Historic England
Response to SEA Screening Opinion - Natural England
Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Report (WDBC July 2024)
Response to HRA Screening Report - Environment Agency
Response to HRA Screening Report - Natural England
Tavistock Neighbourhood Area Design Codes and Guidelines (AECOM June 2024)
Responses to the Reg. 16 consultation submitted online can be viewed by clicking the button below.
Responses to the Reg. 16 consultation submitted by email can be viewed by clicking on the links below.
DCC Climate Change, Environment & Transport
(Reg 17)
The examiner for the Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan is Deborah McCann BSc, MRICS, MRTPI, Dip Arch, Con Dip LD.
WDBC submitted all the documents from Reg.15 and Reg.16 to the Examiner in November 2024.