Current State
Plan made 30th November 2023

For more information, please see the
Totnes Neighbourhood Plan Website
(Reg 5, 5a, 6 and 7)
Pre Submission
(Reg 14)
The Consultation ran from 16 November 2019 to 2 January 2020
NB This Consultation is carried out by the Neighbourhood Plan Group. Please visit the Totnes Neighbourhood Plan Website to view the draft plan and for all Responses.
Plan Proposal and Consultation
(Reg 15 and 16)
The consultation ran from 28 June until 22 August 2021. You can use the links below to view the documents, and view comments using the button.
Regulation 16 Consultation Responses:
Consultation Responses Received After Deadline:
(Reg 17 & 18)
The Examiner for Totnes Neighbourhood Plan is Deborah McCann, appointed in September 2021.
On 7th October 2021, Totnes Town Council wrote to the Examiner requesting the Examination be “paused” for four months. The Examiner has agreed to his request. That correspondence is set out below
The reason for the pause that the Town Council wish to include a new Policy in the Regulation 15 Version of the Plan (see above) relating to a New Policy: C12, concerning the Former Dairy Crest Site in Totnes. The consultation letter and enclosed documentation is set out below:-
The consultation took place between 18th October and 28th November 2021.
Responses to the Consultation undertaken between 18th October 2021 and 28th November 2021
Notice of Hearing
The independent examiner of the Totnes Neighbourhood Development Plan, Deborah McCann BSc MRICS MRTPI Dip Arch Con Dip LD, having read the plan, supporting documents and representations, has considered it is necessary to call a Hearing under the provisions of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by the Localism Act 2011.
The hearing took place at 10:30am on 6th September 2022 at The Guildhall, Ramparts Walk, Totnes, TQ9 5QH
Please see below link for a recording of the hearing:
Updated Draft Plan
Following the Totnes hearing 6th September 2022, Totnes Town Council provided the following updated documents for examination.
Examination - Examiner's Report & Decision Statement
(Reg 17 & 18)
The referendum for the Totnes Neighbourhood Plan shall take place on Thursday 16th November 2023
Please refer to the links below for the referendum version of the Neighbourhood Plan and all other relevant documentation
(Reg 19 & 20)
Following a successful referendum, the Totnes Neighbourhood Plan was adopted on 30th November 2023. It now forms part of the Development Plan and should be used in determining planning applications within the Totnes Parish.
Please now refer to the Referendum Version of the plan (July 2023). The plan can be viewed below and on the Totnes Town Council Website
A hard copy can be viewed at the Totnes Town Council Office:
The Guildhall Offices
5 Ramparts Walk
by appointment with the Town Clerk's office, email reception@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk, Tel. 01803 862147.